
How to look at notifications ?

To look at your notifications from Comuniti Groups while you have been away, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Groups.comuniti to log in
  2. Click on the  «  » ,in the top right-hand corner of the screen

How to look at notifications ?

How to manage/choose my notifications ?

  1. To manage/personalise your notifications, follow these steps:
    1. Click on your first and last name written on the left-hand section of Comuniti Groups

  2. When you are redirected to your profile, click on the «  » icon, which will allow you to manage the account settings
  3. Click on the Notifications section on the left-hand side of the screen
  4. Choose the type of notifications that you want to receive

How to manage/choose my notifications ?

What is the use of notifications ?

Notifications allow you to see all the activities that have taken place in your group. They list:

  • The publications posted on the wall by your colleagues
  • Documents that have been shared
  • Videoconferences


As a result, notifications are very useful for keeping up-to-date with all the activities that have taken place in your group!



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